About the SnowCap Caucus
Established in 1974 by visionary residents, we are a non-profit neighborhood organization preserving the natural environment and quality of life in Colorado's Snowmass Creek and Capitol Creek valleys.
Our mission is to preserve the rural character of our unique valleys, to protect their ecosystems, and to foster communication and participation within our community. The caucus advises the Pitkin county commissioners on issues related to the county. Pitkin County refers caucus-area land-use issues to the caucus board for its advice.
We have effectively pursued projects to protect healthy stream flows in our creeks and advocate for the health of our wildlife communities.
Welcome, Neighbor
Welcome, Neighbor
As a resident of the Snowmass or Capitol Creek valleys, you are a member of the SnowCap Caucus. Whether you are a long-time local or new to the neighborhood, we welcome your involvement. We look forward to meeting you, hearing any concerns you may have, and developing a lasting community relationship.

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